Wednesday, December 31, 2008

WEEK 8: The End of The Journey

Finally, we were coming to the end of the trimester. On the last class this afternoon, we had our last presentation for the subject and also the last presentation for my studies, perhaps! Yup, I'll be going for an internship on the next trimester and will be graduating on August 2009. We'll be get back to that topic later, but now I want to tell about today's presentation.

The final presentation for Assignment 2 was held at the same venue with our class before. It went smoothly except the projector can't work well at first. But, my groupmate Arif managed to call the CITS to fix it. For me, our group have presented very well, but actually I am too nervous and sometimes lost my words during the presentation. Ohh, poor me! Still can't dealing with nervousness although in the final year. *sigh*

Both of the lecturers have gave their comments on some parts that was unsatisfied them especially on the final solution. But, nevermind. I believe that we learn by making mistakes. The more we make mistakes, the more we learn. Practice makes perfect. But, wait! Nobody is perfect right? So, why practice? Hahahaha! Just kidding. :P

Allright, move on to the serious part. Since this is the end of the subject, I want to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Radzi and Ms. Helena for their valuable thoughts, opinions, supports and cooperations. Both of you were listed as my favorite lecturers and I will remember both of you forever. Please pray for my success in studies and also when I start working soon. And not to forget, please give me an 'A' for this subject. Is it too direct? Hahaha! OK, end it here. See you soon. Bye.

Some pictures during our presentation:
(Credit to Fida for taking these pictures)

Monday, December 29, 2008

WEEK 8: It's Holiday Again!

I think, this trimester is kind of lucky for students because there are a lot of holidays that fell on the same day of our class. So, we can use this opportunity to rest and sleep for the whole day. :P Hehehe.. Today is a public holiday for "Awal Muharam" or "Maal Hijrah" which is celebrated by Muslims as the day symbolises two happy event in a Muslim's life. The start of Muslim year or calendar, Muharram, coincides with Prophet Muhammad's journey from Mecca to Medina on the first of Muharram in 622AD. To signify this occasion, Muslims attend to various religious activities, spiritual singing, religious meeting throughout the country. Got this informations from

Besides sleeping and day dreaming for the whole day (it's for saving my energy to do the work later. hahaa..), I will not forgot to do the Assignment 2 for this subject. Tonight, our group will gather at the library foyer to discuss about the assignment. The final presentation will held on this coming Wednesday, so we need to prepare and get ready to present it to the lecturers. So, end it here. I'll update again sooner or later.

Friday, December 26, 2008

WEEK 7: Stepping Stone & What If Technique

Stepping Stone:
(Source: Lecture notes)

  • involves taking advantage of other people's initial ideas or from one’s own ideas when trying to solve a problem.
  • Ideas that are often discarded due to reasons which either they won't work, or because they are illogical.
  • The concept of the stepping stone method is first to record these ‘crazy’ ideas, and than turn it into ideas that is workable and feasible.

What If Technique:
(Source: Lecture Notes)

  • also known as escape method, is a provocative technique and can lead to spectacular new ideas and approaches to problems.
  • Escape method encourages the doer in asking “what if” question as a way of looking for potential problems and opportunities.
  • “what if” question might not lead to a practical idea, however the more often it is being practiced, the more productive it will become.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

WEEK 7: Final Review

Nothing much today except the final review for our Assignment 2 - Thematic Project. And again, Mr. Radzi was alone without Ms. Helena as usual. He checked our work progress, gave some comments and corrected some grammar in our essay. He also asked to brainstorm for some new ideas and polish the previous one, so that we can came out with the best solution for our problem.

This is the second last class before the presentation next week. So, it just left a few days for us to work hard and give our best into this project. Since this is our last subject in MMU, we really hope that it will be going smoothly, so that we can score in this subject.

Monday, December 22, 2008

WEEK 7: Assignment Consultation

For today's class, there was only a consultation session regarding Assignment 2 with Mr. Radzi. He wanted to see our progress and we showed to him what we have done so far. We just done with Stage 3 which is the creative thinking method. Here there is:

Stage 3 – Creative Thinking Method/Technique

We have used the Random Image technique for our assignment. The random image was the police car or as known as the patrol car. We managed to come out with several ideas and lots of solutions regarding the problem that we proposed earlier.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

WEEK 6: Anybody feeling hungry?

As one of my interest is eating and my new hobby is cooking, today I want to share something about the food. Have you ever heard about creative food art? Yes, the art using food plus some creativity. It is not impossible to create such a amazing art with just using the food. See the pictures below and enjoy the food! :P

Frogs on a rice. Anyone?


The giraffe

Starwars fan out there should try this.

What a beautiful garden! I'll think twice before eat this.

I'm sure Bill Gates had never think about this version of Windows XP.

Credit to for all these beautiful pictures. I think that most of these food are from Japan. They manage to think a different way to make the food more interesting. But for me, all the foods looks great to see, but not to eat. It's totally awesome! Maybe one day I should try to create a design like this to my food, but this time by using Malaysian food. Hehehe..

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

WEEK 6: Logical Mind Map

Stage 1 – Logical Mind Map

We have chosen the home injuries among kids as our topic or problem for Assignment 2. After the brainstorming session among the group members, we have came out with this logical mind map.

Monday, December 15, 2008

WEEK 6: What's Your Problem?? - Part 2

Yeah! We have reached the 6th week of the trimester. The clock was ticking too fast, I think. Huhuu.. OK, forget about it, life must goes on right? So lets talk about today's class. This afternoon, we need to present the idea of a problem that we stuck on last week's class. Finally, we managed to come out with the rational ideas and the lecturers have approved it. Yeay! Thanks to Mr. Radzi and Ms. Helena for their opinions and suggestions. It was really helpful! So, our topic for the Assignment 2 is "Home Injuries Among Kids".

I believe that most of us have little brother or sister at home, right? It is not impossible to them to experience injuries at home. So, we want to do a research on how to prevent this home injuries or home accidents among kids. In addition, we planned to design a device that can avoid kids from getting near to dangerous place. Sound interesting? Want to know more about it? Stay tune to my blog and I'll be update the progress soon.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

WEEK 5: Facts! Facts! Facts!

I want to share with you some interesting facts about our "Mr.Brain" up there. Yup! Some facts about human brain that we need to know:
  1. Your brain uses 20% of your body's energy, but it makes up only 2% of your body's weight.
  2. Your brain is about 1300-1400 cubic centimeters in volume, about the size of a cantaloupe and wrinkled like a walnut.
  3. The brain feels like a ripe avocado and looks pink because of the blood flowing through it.
  4. Your brain generates 25 watts of power while you're awake; enough to illuminate a light bulb. - Wow! No need to worry when there is a blackout. :P
  5. A newborn baby's brain grows almost 3 times in course of first year.
  6. Humans have the most complex brain of any animal on earth. - We deserved it!
  7. Your brain is divided into two sides. The left side of your brain controls the right side of your body; and, the right side of your brain controls the left side of your body.
  8. Toxins in commonplace items such as carpeting and shower curtains may be contributing to memory loss over time. - Huh? Really??
  9. Overexposure to aluminum compounds—in foil, cookware, deodorants, antacids, toothpaste—can affect brain function. - Beware of it!
  10. Lavender can help you sleep. - But I don't even need a lavender to sleep. :P
  11. A cooked potato can jump-start your brain when you're feeling foggy. - Is it like jump-start the car? :P
  12. The essential oil of jasmine can quickly restore mental alertness.
  13. Eating foods rich in vitamin E, beta-carotene, and vitamin C may help lower your risk of Alzheimer's disease. - Should try this later.
  14. Certain prescription and nonprescription drugs may dramatically affect your ability to concentrate.

All the facts I got from Hope that we learned something from the facts.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

WEEK 5: What's Your Problem??

First of all, don't be too shocked with the title of this post. It's just a gimmic. Hahaa.. On last week's class, we were reminded to bring 1 problem to the next class, to be used in our Group Assignment - Thematic Project. So, this morning, me and my other groupmates (Arif, Liana, & Aina) have gathered and did a brainstorming session to find a suitable problem. After several discussions between us, we have decided to proposed this problem: "How to lose weight by eating high caloried-foods or junk food?".

In the class, we presented it to our lecturers and too bad they have rejected it. :-( Mr. Radzi said that it is quite difficult and involve certain biological research and some other reasons that I can't remember. He asked us to come out with new ideas and we managed to do it in just several minutes later! Haha.. Maybe we were too desperate on that time! :P By the way, these are some of the questions that we proposed:
  1. Why are the numbers on a calculator reversed?
  2. What does OK actually means?
  3. What should one call a male ladybird?
  4. What is the speed of dark?
  5. Rather than using numbers, why not using symbols or something else on calculator or a phone?
  6. And some other questions that I've forgot already. :P

And once again, all of those ideas were rejected because of it's not rational and may need a very complicated research on it. Finally, Mr. Radzi have given us a chance to go back and think again another rational ideas to use as our problem in the 2nd assignment. So, we need to present it again to the lecturer next week. *Sigh* Oh ya, Mr. Radzi also gave his own idea in brief to help and guide us in finding a new problem. Thanks Mr. Radzi! :-)

Monday, December 8, 2008

WEEK 5: Happy Eid Ul-Adha

No class for today since it is a holiday of Eid Ul-Adha or we called it "Aidil Adha" in Malay. This is a the feast of sacrifice celebrated by Muslims worldwide to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismail as an act of obedience to God. However, God provided a ram in place once Ibrahim demonstrated his willingness to follow God's commands.

That is a little bit of history behind the celebration of Eid Ul-Adha which is annually falls on the 10th day of the month of Zulhijjah in Islamic calendar. The festivities last for three days or more depending on the country. Eid Ul-Adha occurs the day after the pilgrims conducting Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Makkah in Saudi Arabia by Muslims worldwide. Besides that, Muslims who can afford to do so offer domestic animals, usually cow or goat, as a symbol of Ibrahim's sacrifice. The meat is distributed for consumption to family, friends, and to the poor and needy.

So, I'm taking this opportunity to wish all Muslims out there, Happy Eid Ul-Adha and may we always have the love and peace. By the way, I've created and designed my Eid Ul-Adha e-card just for all of you guys. In addition, it can increase my skills in using Adobe Photoshop. Hehe.. So, till we meet again. Daa~

(Some information taken from Wikipedia)

Friday, December 5, 2008

WEEK 4: It's All About Creativity!

Hey guys! It's time for sharing some good stuffs with all of you! I've been keeping all this pictures for a long time. I received it from e-mail, if I'm not mistaken. It was something different, unique and yet very creative! Hope you'll like it too!

Quit smoking ads at the back of the bus. It can make smokers feel very bad with their habit.

Different way to promote a new SLR camera. Nice!

Been eaten by shark? Haha! It's a National Geographic Channel ads on a bus.

Nice paper bag!

Ouch! Ads about nail biter habit.

Wo! Beware of this man! He's caring a gun! :P

Child care ads. Good one!

Wow! Nice watch huh?

Transparent cups? Haha! Starbuck's creativity.

How is it? It's unique, right? Just want to said it again, I got all this images from e-mail long time ago. So, I really don't know where is the real source of the image. However, credit to the owner or the creator of the image. :-)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

WEEK 4: Random Word/Image Association


We have reached to the 4th Lesson for the subject, which is Random Word/Image Association. When first heard about the topic, I expected that it was like playing scrabble, jigsaw puzzle or something like that. :P But, actually Random Association is an idea generation method which allows students to systematically generate new ideas through a fixed formula. Fixed formula here means using a specific image or word to generate new ideas.

What I understand about this method is when we are given a problem, we need to randomly choose a word or image to solve the problem. Based on the image/word, list out everything that related to the image/word. Then, create as many solutions as we can from the list, either it is logic or non-logic. Finally, choose the best solution among all of it. Let see some example provided by the lecturer:


  1. Color - Face become red when smoking.
  2. Expensive - Summons everytime caught smoking.
  3. Dirty - Put some bad smelly (really bad) chemical in a cigarette.
  4. Color - Paint the cigarette with all colors.
  5. Color - Red smoke (to make the smokers feel scared).
  6. Color - Paint the cigarette with yellow (yellow means danger).

So, based on the solutions listed above, we can choose the best solution to solve the problem. Interesting is it? From the image of traffic light which is not related with smoking, we can create a solution on how to stop smoking. That's we call creativity! :-) How about another example, but using the other problem and image:


  1. Thorny - Create a floor with a thorny surface on it, so that when people want to across the area they feel very scared.
  2. Smelly - A device that can produce a really bad smell which make people doesn't want to come nearby.
  3. Sharp - Create a trap that have sharp object in it. People will feel scared with it.

There are some of the ideas that can be a solution for the problem. We can think as many as we can and finally choose the best one. So, that's all for the Random Word/Image Association. See you! Bye.

Monday, December 1, 2008

WEEK 4: Class Activity - Creativity Exercise

In today's class, Mr. Radzi was not there. So, it's just Ms. Helena alone and she gave all of us a booklet of creativity exercise to be done in class. There are 3 sections in the booklet and we have given 30 minutes to do all the questions, means 10 minutes for each section. All the questions in the booklet have almost the same instruction which need us to draw an image, object, or anything based on the shapes and lines given.

The challenges are we need to be as creative as we can and at the same time need to finish all the questions in the time provided. It's pretty tough for me, and I fail to complete all the drawings. :-( Maybe I need more time to complete it all. But, nothing to worry, Ms. Helena said that it was not a test. Wheww!

The booklet was submitted and we were given a chance to leave the class early. Yeay!~ Thanks Ms. Helena! :P

Friday, November 28, 2008

WEEK 3: Creativity Of Microsoft

Found this video on YouTube just now and I want to share with all of you guys. It's shows the creativity of Microsoft that made a music video to promote their new upgrade of MS-DOS 5.0. It's kind of funny, classic and good commercial for me. Watch the video and share your comment! It's totally fun and hilarious actually. Hahaha! Enjoy!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

WEEK 3: Class Activity - Analogy

This is another interesting and fun class activity. We had given several images from different categories. In this exercise, the lecturer asked us to write a short statement or maybe a poem that can best describe the concept of "LOVE" by refering to the images given. Wow! It's not easy for me, but I've tried my best. Let see what can I say about LOVE... ;)


Image Source:

Love is like climbing a mountain, it's getting tough as you reach at the peak.


Image Source:

Love is like an ice-cream. Lots of colors, flavors, and tastes.

Credit Card/Wallet
Image Source:

Finding a true love is like choosing a credit card. You can get a lot of benefits if you choose wisely.


Image Source:

Love is as precious as time,

It's just like a gift,

Appreciate it evey moment of the day.

Sports Car

Image Source:

Falling in love is like having a sports car. You'll feel very special, unique and full of luxury.

Kitten/Cat and Duck

Image Source:

Love is blind. You may love anyone you like, just like a cat that fell in love with a duck.


Image Source:

Don't let your love become like garbage. Stinky, dirty and brings unpleasant feeling to all.

So, how is it? Good or bad? Hehe.. By the way, at the end of the class, Mr. Radzi gave us a homework. It is the same activity such as the above, but this time we have been asked to describe a concept of man or women using a "Gargabe" image and any other 2 images listed above.

These are what I've done:

  • Garbage - Don't throw away your women like a garbage, eventhough they can be "dirty" in certain period.
  • Sports Car - Women are like a sports car, very special, extraordinary and need extra care from the owner.

  • Ice-Cream - Women's heart is like the ice-cream. Easily melted when saw a "hot" guy.

To all women out there, please don't get mad and angry with me. Hahaha! It is just a homework that lecturer assigned me to do. Take it as a joke and don't take it too serious. OK? So, I end it here. Bye.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

WEEK 3: Analogy: Metaphor & Similies


1. Definition (from
- Similarity in some respects between things that are otherwise dissimilar.
- A comparison based on such similarity.

2. Consists of Metaphor and Similies.
- Metaphor: A figure of speech in which 2 different things are linked by some similarity. Not using "as" and "like". Example: Life is a box of chocolate, you will never know what you will get!

Image Source:

Example of metaphor - You Light Up My Life

- Similies: Using "as" and "like". Example: Life is like a maze in which you try to avoid the exit.

Image Source:
Example of similies - Sleeping Like a Log

3. Categories of Analogies:
  • Logical Analogies - Use similarities in the design, structure or function to connect back to the subject. Example: A duck can be compared to a hovercraft because of the fact that both of them can move on the surface of land and water.
  • Affective Analogies - The emotional resemblance. Used most frequently in conversation to emphasis certain points. Example: He is like a pig (because he is lazy). - Use an animal to explain a certain characteristic of a person.

Monday, November 24, 2008

WEEK 3: Class Activity - Juxtaposition

This activity is regarding the previous topic which is Juxtaposition. We have given a list of words with each words have its own number.

Step 1: Choose several sets of numbers between 01 to 99.
I have chosen 18 and 90.

Step 2: Combine the words from the list by using numbers that you already choose.

18 - Flower Wood
90 - Leave Head

Step 3: Make a sentence by using both words.
18 - That flower is made of wood.
90 - There's a leave on his head.

Step 4: Draw an image based on the sentences created.

18 - That flower is made of wood.

90 - There's a leave on his head.

Step 5: Now, draw an image based on the words that you combined in Step 2, so that when people see the image, they will straightly think the combined word.

18 - Flower wood

90- Leave head

Wheww! Done with the exercise. I can feel that this exercises is getting tougher from step to step. The toughest one is on Step 5 when we need to draw the picture of the words that we combined earlier in Step 2. Those words are not logic and doesn't make sense but, we must try to draw it. As a result, I managed to draw the pictures but sorry, I really don't have talent in drawing. Haha.. By the way, it was a interesting class activity which required the creativity and the brain.

WEEK 3: Juxtaposition

This is the third week of the second trimester of 2008/2009. For today's class, we've learned about Juxtaposition. I believe that some of us may not know or don't even heard about Juxtaposition, just like me before. :P But, after the class I can really understand its meaning and the function of it.

Definition of Juxtaposition:
1. The act of positioning close together (or side by side); a side-by-side position. -

2. The act or an instance of placing two or more things side by side ; also : the state of being so placed. - Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

So basically Juxtaposition is the idea of putting 2 things together side by side and their contrast and similarity are shown through comparison. By juxtaposing 2 things side by side, human brain will automatically transfer their meaning. It can be something familiar or never be heard before.

Example of Juxtaposition:

Image Source:

Found this on the net. It's really funny! Hahaha! People might assume different things when see this picture.

Image Source:

In this documentary, Michael Moore uses juxtaposition when he plays the song "What a Wonder full World" while playing scenes of war and violence. So, it shows the contrast between peace and war.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

WEEK 2: What Gender Is Your Brain?

Hi everyone! I'm in my hometown in Pahang right now and it such a beatiful morning here. I feel so good, sitting on a chair and updating my blog for Creative Studies. Oh ya, last night after updating this blog, I've found something interesting to share with all of you. I've found it on, an interesting website that provide lots of things that you can put in your own blog or websites. What we need to do is just to answer all the questions provided, click on the 'Submit' button and the result will be appear after that. The question is, does our brain really have a gender?? Haha.. I've tried it out once and here is the result:

Your Brain is 53% Female, 47% Male

Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female
You are both sensitive and savvy
Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed
But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve

Wow! Some of those criteria are really represent me. But, 53% female and 47% male? *straight face* OK, just forget about it. Hahaha. For me, it just for fun and no need to take it too serious. By the way, I think all of you should try it out! Just click on the link below. It's really fun when you see the result. Happy trying! ;)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

WEEK 2: Method of Creative Thinking

Mind Mapping
(Informations taken from and lecture notes)

Image Source:

Example of mind map

What is mind map actually?
- A graphical way to represent ideas and concepts. It is a visual thinking tool that helps structuring information, helping you to better analyze, comprehend, synthesize, recall and generate new ideas.
- An activity that is both analytical and artistic, it engages your brain in a much richer way, helping in all its cognitive functions.
- Mind-maps were devised in the 1960s by Tony Buzan, who has written a number of splendid books on the subject.

What are the benefits of of it?

- Mind mapping avoids dull, linear thinking, jogging your creativity and making note taking fun again.

What can we use mind maps for?
  • Note taking
  • Brainstorming
  • Problem solving
  • Studying and memorization
  • Planning
  • Researching information from multiple sources
  • Presenting information
  • Gaining insight on complex subjects
  • Jogging your creativite

How to draw a mind map?
- Start in the middle of a blank page, writing or drawing the idea you intend to develop.

- Develop the related subtopics around this central topic, connecting each of them to the center with a line.
- Repeat the same process for the subtopics, generating lower-level subtopics as you see fit, connecting each of those to the corresponding subtopic.

Some additional tips:
- Use colors, drawings and also symbols. It will be look more interesting and fun.

- Keep the topics labels as short as possible; easy to read, to understand and to remember.
- Vary the text size, color and alignment.

In my opinion, doing a mind map is fun and also the creative way to represents something in a simple way. It is very useful especially for a student to remember what they have studied or any other things. By the way, below is the example of a mind map done by me. It is all about myself. I prefer to do the mind map by drawing rather than do it digitally by using software.

Logical mind map
Directly connected to stereotypes. The logical mind map comprises of solely stereotype words., which means that every word or image that is put within the mind map is directly related to the central subject through its links.

Logical Mind Maps & Stereotypes
Before beginning a Logical mind map we have to understand what a Stereotype is; below is the definition of the word.

Definitions of Stereotype
A conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image.
One that is regarded as embodying or conforming to a set image or type.

ster·e·o·typed, ster·e·o·typ·ing, ster·e·o·types
To make a stereotype of.
To characterize by a stereotype: “Elderly Americans are the neglected sector of the fashion industry, stereotyped by blue hair and polyester pantsuits” (American Demographics).
To give a fixed, unvarying form to.

The Rules Of Logical Mindmapping
1. Always have your SUBJECT in the center of the page.
2. Try to make the subject more dominant than the rest of the words and images in the mind map.
3. Decide on the main categories of the subject before executing on mind map.
4. Try to have the different categories in different colors, to make it easier to identify.
5. Try to use drawings or images to make your mind map more interesting and personal.
6. The ideal mind map should be shaped like the roots of a tree, branching out from a center.
7. It is OK to repeat words or even interlink certain words.
8. Try to make your mind map neat and easily legible. REMEMBER one of the aims of the mind map is to create interest and to be able to access information easily.

Associated Mind Map
Using an associated mind map we are able to generate random words and also show the links between words that seemingly have no connection.

Associated Mind Maps & Random Word
Using an associated mind map we are able to be able to generate random words and also show the links between words that seemingly have no connection. Below is the definition for the word Random.

Definition of Random
Having no specific pattern, purpose, or objective: random movements.

The Rules Of Associated Mindmapping
1. Always keep your mind open and relaxed.
2. Start off with the Subject (Word or Image) dominating the center of the page.
3. Immediately branch off in to main categories as you would in a Logical mind map.
4. Pick a link and start expanding. Write the first thing that comes to mind in relationship to the word. Eg. Malaysia – State – United States – Statue of Liberty – Woman – Beautiful
5. The links in the Associated mind map do not have to link directly with the central subject, but instead is only linked to the words surrounding it.
6. Try to put down the first thing that comes to your mind. An Associated mind map is supposed to be fast.
7. Sometimes we tend to get excited and go on and on. But REMEMBER the ideal mind map should be shaped like the roots of a tree, branching out from a center; the same rule applies for the Associated mind map.
8. Have fun. The best Associated mind maps are created when in a relaxed frame of mind.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

WEEK 2: Class Activity - Creating Image Of Public Figure

We were assigned to describe a person by using pictures from the old magazines. What we need to do is to cut any images in the magazines, paste and combine it all to create a new images of either Bill Gates or the Google Duo (Sergey Brin and Larry Page). I've decided to choose one of those and here's the result:

So, based on the above image, can you guess who am I refering to? Yes, he is Bill Gates!

The most obvious things that we can see in that picture is the gates, which I want to describe the Bill Gates' name. Several words there also refer to his characteristic and also what business is he doing. The "window" image represents the Windows, which is the operating system of Microsoft. I manage to cut 4 different colors of papers from the magazine to make it look like a Windows logo. The dollar sign represent the richest man in the world and the man sign refer to the gender of him. One more thing, Bill Gates is wearing spectacle right? So, the image of spectacle is also there to describe Bill Gates.

WEEK 2: Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention

Wohooo! It's a whole new week! I'm so excited to start this new week. Maybe it's because of the spirit of new trimester. I've started this new week by attending the 3rd class of Creative Studies on Monday afternoon, 17th November 2008. On yesterday class, I have learnt about these 4 things: Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention. Can you differentiate the meaning for each of it? Each words have similar meaning actually, but it still have slightly differences. So, lets review it one by one.

(All informations are from Wikipedia)

Novelty is the quality of being new. Although it may be said to have an objective dimension (e.g. a new style of art coming into being, such as abstract art or impressionism) it essentially exists in the subjective perceptions of individuals. It also refers to something novel; that which is striking, original or unusual.

The Longaberger Company

Image Source:

- American manufacturer of handcrafted maple wood baskets and offers other home and lifestyle products, including pottery, wrought iron, fabric accessories and specialty foods.

- Got inspiration to build their headquaters by taking the shape of their biggest seller, the "Medium Market Basket".

(All informations are from Wikipedia)

Creativity is a mental and social process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations of the creative mind between existing ideas or concepts. An alternative conception of creativness is that it is simply the act of making something new.


Township Cat

Image Source:

- A toy cat produced in a South-African township, made from used plastic bags and old wire.

(All informations are from Wikipedia)

A new way of doing something. It may refer to incremental, radical, and revolutionary changes in thinking, products, processes, or organizations. A distinction is typically made between Invention, an idea made manifest, and innovation, ideas applied successfully.

Funky Kiwi Campers

Image Source:

- Escape Rentals, a New Zealand camper rental company, sets itself apart by letting artists turn camper vans into art on wheels.

- Paint jobs draw from the whole spectrum of visual art and pop culture, from kiwiana to Far Side comics and Maurice Sendak to Pablo Picasso.

(All informations are from Wikipedia)

An invention is the finding or creation of a new configuration, composition of matter, device, or process. Some inventions are based on pre-existing models or ideas. Other inventions are radical breakthroughs which may extend the boundaries of human knowledge or experience.

Alexander Graham Bell's Telephone

Image Source:

- Bell was inspired to start development of the telephone when he read an account, written in German, describing an invention which he thought had the function of a telephone.

- After demonstrating his first working telephone Bell learned that, because of the language barrier, he had misunderstood the report, and the German invention had an entirely different function.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

WEEK 1: Creative Quotes & Quotations

Hello everyone! Just want to share some quotes from famous people regarding creative and creativity. Hope we can get benefits from it. All quotes are from

“The creative process is a process of surrender, not control.” - Julia Cameron

“I lived in solitude in the country and noticed how the monotony of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.” - Albert Einstein

"Every moment of your life is infinitely creative and the universe is endlessly bountiful. Just put forth a clear enough request, and everything your heart desires must come to you.” - Mahatma Gandhi

“Creative thinking may mean simply the realization that there's no particular virtue in doing things the way they always have been done.” - Rudolf Flesch

"The creative person is willing to live with ambiguity. He doesn't need problems solved immediately and can afford to wait for the right ideas.” - Abe Tannenbaum

"A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.” - Ayn Rand

"The creative person is both more primitive and more cultivated, more destructive, a lot madder and a lot saner, than the average person.” - Frank Barron

“Creative activity could be described as a type of learning process where teacher and pupil are located in the same individual.” - Arthur Koestler

"Creativity can solve almost any problem. The creative act, the defeat of habit by originality overcomes everything.” - George Lois

“Great indeed is the sublimity of the Creative, to which all beings owe their beginning and which permeates all heaven.” - Lao Tzu

Friday, November 14, 2008

WEEK 1: Class Activity - Image of A Friend

On the 12th of November 2008, which is on Wednesday, we had our second lecture session. On that day, we had our first class activity for this subject. Mr. Radzi told us to work in pair, so I' ve decided to work with my coursemate, Aina. This is not the first time we work in a pair or as a team. There were a lot of times and a lot of assignments we did together in a group. So, it is not a big problem to work with her since she always gave a good cooperation and also a very sporting friend to study and to talk with.

So, below are the instructions for our task for that day:

Find out information of their partner & create the image of their partner based on their interpretation of the information that they had gathered.

A4 Paper, Markers or color pencil/pen, A friend

Siti Nuraina bt. Ahmad Khairudin


  • Independent
  • Likes to read novels
  • Calm, cool and got sense of humor
  • Prefer to follow her own path
  • Likes to gossip
  • Never hurt feeling
  • Favorite color - yellow & orange
Based on the information, I can say that Aina is just like the TWEETY BIRD! Yup, the cute little yellow bird in Looney Toons series of animated cartoons. "I tawt I taw a puddy-tat!" Remember? It is a famous signature lines of Tweety Bird. Below is the image of the Tweety Bird that i've drawn to represent my partner, Aina.

Reasons to choose Tweety Bird:

  1. Aina has an average height and can consider a small girl just like Tweety; small, cute and sweet.
  2. One of her favorite color is yellow, the same color as Tweety's body. Aina said that yellow means happiness, cheerful and joy to her, that's why she likes it.
  3. The characteristics of Aina is almost same with Tweety. Aina can be independent, just like the Tweety Bird. As we all know, Tweety is a good-natured character happily spending life in its cage. However, when a cat threatens it, Tweety can become brave, even kicking its enemy. This shows that Tweety can be independent, need no help from others, and prefer to follow its own path.
  4. Sometimes, Tweety also have a calm and cool personality too. Tweety never be too panic when it is in danger. This personality is also same with Aina.
Those are some reasons why I choose Tweety Bird to represent my friend, Aina. In the other hand, Aina also draw an image to represent me based on the information that she had gathered. So, lets take a look what's the result.

A KOALA?? Hahahahahaha! *Laughing out loud* Yeah! That was my reaction when I first saw the picture done by Aina. It looks like a perfect match to me. Hahaha! Most of my characteristics were the same as the koala - love to sleep, enjoy eating food, shy and sometimes prefer to be alone. To know more about what have Aina wrote about me, go to her blog at As you can see, Aina have put her creativity on it by creating the image of a koala by using Collage techique. Wow! Nice work, Aina!