Monday, November 24, 2008

WEEK 3: Juxtaposition

This is the third week of the second trimester of 2008/2009. For today's class, we've learned about Juxtaposition. I believe that some of us may not know or don't even heard about Juxtaposition, just like me before. :P But, after the class I can really understand its meaning and the function of it.

Definition of Juxtaposition:
1. The act of positioning close together (or side by side); a side-by-side position. -

2. The act or an instance of placing two or more things side by side ; also : the state of being so placed. - Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

So basically Juxtaposition is the idea of putting 2 things together side by side and their contrast and similarity are shown through comparison. By juxtaposing 2 things side by side, human brain will automatically transfer their meaning. It can be something familiar or never be heard before.

Example of Juxtaposition:

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Found this on the net. It's really funny! Hahaha! People might assume different things when see this picture.

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In this documentary, Michael Moore uses juxtaposition when he plays the song "What a Wonder full World" while playing scenes of war and violence. So, it shows the contrast between peace and war.