Monday, December 29, 2008

WEEK 8: It's Holiday Again!

I think, this trimester is kind of lucky for students because there are a lot of holidays that fell on the same day of our class. So, we can use this opportunity to rest and sleep for the whole day. :P Hehehe.. Today is a public holiday for "Awal Muharam" or "Maal Hijrah" which is celebrated by Muslims as the day symbolises two happy event in a Muslim's life. The start of Muslim year or calendar, Muharram, coincides with Prophet Muhammad's journey from Mecca to Medina on the first of Muharram in 622AD. To signify this occasion, Muslims attend to various religious activities, spiritual singing, religious meeting throughout the country. Got this informations from

Besides sleeping and day dreaming for the whole day (it's for saving my energy to do the work later. hahaa..), I will not forgot to do the Assignment 2 for this subject. Tonight, our group will gather at the library foyer to discuss about the assignment. The final presentation will held on this coming Wednesday, so we need to prepare and get ready to present it to the lecturers. So, end it here. I'll update again sooner or later.