We have reached to the 4th Lesson for the subject, which is Random Word/Image Association. When first heard about the topic, I expected that it was like playing scrabble, jigsaw puzzle or something like that. :P But, actually Random Association is an idea generation method which allows students to systematically generate new ideas through a fixed formula. Fixed formula here means using a specific image or word to generate new ideas.
What I understand about this method is when we are given a problem, we need to randomly choose a word or image to solve the problem. Based on the image/word, list out everything that related to the image/word. Then, create as many solutions as we can from the list, either it is logic or non-logic. Finally, choose the best solution among all of it. Let see some example provided by the lecturer:

- Color - Face become red when smoking.
- Expensive - Summons everytime caught smoking.
- Dirty - Put some bad smelly (really bad) chemical in a cigarette.
- Color - Paint the cigarette with all colors.
- Color - Red smoke (to make the smokers feel scared).
- Color - Paint the cigarette with yellow (yellow means danger).
So, based on the solutions listed above, we can choose the best solution to solve the problem. Interesting is it? From the image of traffic light which is not related with smoking, we can create a solution on how to stop smoking. That's we call creativity! :-) How about another example, but using the other problem and image:

- Thorny - Create a floor with a thorny surface on it, so that when people want to across the area they feel very scared.
- Smelly - A device that can produce a really bad smell which make people doesn't want to come nearby.
- Sharp - Create a trap that have sharp object in it. People will feel scared with it.
There are some of the ideas that can be a solution for the problem. We can think as many as we can and finally choose the best one. So, that's all for the Random Word/Image Association. See you! Bye.